Sunday, June 24, 2012

PLN Progress Report #1

circle of computer people around the word you

I do not have much to report for my PLN progress report #1. So far I have accomplished the following:

Starting a PLN

1. Chosen my PLN to be about people I can go to for learning to use technology in the classroom as well as tools to accomplish my goal of creating a more technological learning environment.
I have chosen this topic because it is something I am unfamiliar with but see the necessity for in a 21st classroom environment.
2. I have watched the following videosWelcome to my PLE!,and Building Your Own PLN by Steven Anderson.
I wasn't sure what a PLN was and by watching those videos I have a better understanding of the simplicity and meaning behind having a PLN.
3. I have read Personal Learning Networks are Virtual Lockers For Kids and browsed Tim Wllhellmus's livebinder.

Creating My PLN

1. Delicious
By doing this I have already discovered articles relating to my very concern: How to effectively bring technology into a classroom environment
2. twitter
I will use this to find people who are posting links, making comments, and asking questions about technology in the classroom.

People (so far)
1. Dean Shareski
2. Dorothy Burt
3. Mrs. Yollis

I will spend the next few weeks gathering resources on my own to complete the rest of my PLN for the sake of this class. I will continue after this class, however, to develop my PLN with updated lists of resources for me to use in my future technological savvy classroom.

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